Flowers & Prayers

If there's one thing I've been reminded of lately, it's that everybody is going through something.  We all have our own struggles and burdens that we often carry alone.  Something as simple as a kind word or a handmade card can really offer encouragement!

I made this card with that in mind, and unfortunately a friend lost a loved one recently and I had to use it.  

I've used:
Heart Background by Uniko Stamps similar to this one by Woodware Stamps
Prayers by Taylored Expressions (possibly discontinued, but here's a great sympathy set!)
White & Kraft Card stock

My creative studio space is halfway packed up right now as we anticipate moving soon (fingers crossed) but I've really missed getting inky, so I'm challenging myself to work with what I've got in the room still!  I'll be channeling my 'clean and simple' since white card stock is something I did keep a lot of!  LOL

Inky hugs,

