September Page Maps are up
NOW as well as their quarterly release of Card Maps, which
yours truly is featured on this month! Here's my cards as they appear on the website, along with the sketches I used. There is a great collection of 21 CardMaps this time around as well as PageMaps in 12x12 & 8.5x11. I can't tell you how much I
LOVE this tool, I always pull out my Maps duotang or sketches books when I'm feeling a creative block, it's so nice to have a pattern to follow because it frees me to be creative with my papers and embellishments without having to figure out where they might look the best! When Becky sent me the sketches, she asked me to stick to a 5x7 size card, which is actually not a size I work with very often! I had fun with it though and ended up creating 3 cards from each sketch! Here's the other 2 cards I created with each sketch-- you can see them all in person if you stop by the store!
